Ramadan Project

Ramadan Project

Ramadan, the Sultan of the Eleven Months, is a month of mercy and blessings, bringing believers closer together and eliminating all differences among them. It reminds us that we are, first and foremost, humans and servants of God, increasing the bond, sincerity, and communication among people. Ramadan is a month of peace and love, a time that strengthens unity among people and societies, instills a sense of community, encourages gathering around the same table by setting differences aside, and lets us experience the beauty of sharing. In short, Ramadan is another name for unity, togetherness, solidarity, love, and compassion.

In this blessed month, every believer must make sure no one misses out on the warmth of an iftar table or the spirit of charity. All over the world, some people lack access to basic food, who are destitute, and who are poor. Providing help to these people, whether through iftar meal aid or Ramadan food packages, is among the things we should do to experience the spiritual joy that Ramadan brings.

As the European Aid Foundation, we have launched a Ramadan Project to be a gateway for those who say "I want to make a Ramadan donation". Through this project, we deliver Ramadan food packages, iftar meals, and orphan Eid gifts to those in need around the world. We aim to share the joy of giving and helping others with you by bringing smiles to the faces of children, mothers, and fathers.

Goals of the Ramadan Project

We can outline the goals of the Ramadan Project as follows:

  • To enable people in need from all over the world to experience the joy of Ramadan,
  • To ensure that all people, regardless of their economic status, can benefit from the blessings, joy, and mercy of Ramadan,
  • To ensure that those in need can enjoy the warmth and sincerity of iftar meals,
  • To show people around the world that they are not alone during Ramadan,
  • To act as a bridge between those who want to give Ramadan aid and those who are in need...

Ramadan Food Packages and Iftar Meals

As the European Aid Foundation, among the organizations providing Ramadan aid, we ensure that needy people have access to basic food items during this beautiful month through our Ramadan food package aid. Our food packages and iftar meals consist of basic food items for one month. The cost of a Ramadan iftar meal package is 25 Euros. With this modest contribution, you can bring a smile to a family's face and share in the joy of Ramadan.

Iftar Meals

Through our iftar meal aid, we ensure that people in need from different parts of the world can enjoy the warmth and sincerity of iftar gatherings during Ramadan. The cost of a single iftar meal is 5 Euros.

Orphan Eid Gifts

As part of the Ramadan aid, we give Eid gifts to orphans to bring smiles to their faces during Eid. These gifts include basic clothing items such as clothes and shoes. In some countries, we also take orphans to amusement parks to bring joy to their hearts. The cost of an orphan Eid gift is 20 Euros.

Participation in the Ramadan Project

To participate in our organized and systematic orphan project, you only need to let us know that you would like to help orphans. As the European Aid Foundation, one of the organizations that help orphans, we invite you to join our Ramadan Project.

To participate in our Ramadan Project and help those in need, you can reach us at [email protected] or the following phone numbers: +31 13 879 50 12 (Netherlands) / +31 6 84 22 08 14 (Netherlands) / + 49 15221550927 (Germany) / + 32 484683373 (Belgium). You can also make donations online through our website, including iftar meals, iftar packages, fitra, fidya, Eid gifts for orphans, and Ramadan food packages.

"European Aid Foundation: Your Gateway to Good Deeds"


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