Water Well Project

Water Well Project

Drilling a Water Well

Drilling a water well is to extend a helping hand to millions of oppressed, victimized, and needy people around the world, and to carry the spirit of hope and brotherhood to all orphaned geographies. Undertaking such an important task means not only supporting our brothers and sisters who do not have access to water but also helping all those who have access to water but cannot reach clean water sources due to various causes of water pollution. The donation made by philanthropists to drill water wells in countries they have never known or met the people proves that there is still hope for humanity and that the joy in the heart of the oppressed is still more valuable than many things.

The lack of access to clean water resources is a vital global issue faced by one-tenth of the world's population, approximately 700 million people. As the aid activities carried out within the scope of water well drilling projects continue, it is observed that the inadequacies are always one step ahead and tend to increase, considering the millions of people who do not have access to clean water resources. In this regard, there is an unprecedented need for all aid activities, such as drilling water wells, to be carried out more intensively and effectively against the increase in these inadequacies.

The clean water problem, which is negatively affected by infrastructure deficiencies, drought, and economic problems, causes unhygienic dirty water to be consumed, and accordingly, people who cannot reach clean drinking water are exposed to very serious fatal diseases. At the same time, all production alternatives based on clean water are disappearing day by day without a solution. Unfortunately, this extinction provides the most accurate answer to the question "what is water pollution?" with its sad but real consequences.

Drilling a Water Well for Access to Clean Water

Stopping the deaths of approximately 1000 children every day due to diseases such as typhoid fever, diarrhea, and cholera caused by dirty water, and delivering clean drinking water, especially to the African and Asian continents and around the world, by combating drought and infrastructure deficiencies, is one of the most significant aids that can be done for humanity.

The water well drilling activity carried out with the contributions of philanthropists is not only an effective solution but also a unique step of goodness that carries hope and value to bear the flag of humanity, explains the value of life with the freshness and clarity of water, and redefines peace and abundance for our brothers and sisters.

As the European Aid Foundation, which stands out among the foundations drilling water wells with the water well drilling projects it carries out simultaneously with volunteers and partner organizations around the world, through our Africa water well and Asia water well projects realized with the contributions of philanthropists who want to drill a water well in Africa; we aim to help people who cannot reach clean water and to touch the lives of people struggling with serious and fatal diseases due to dirty water.

With the superior efforts filled with sacrifices of our volunteers, we aim to deliver the water well drilling aid project to all people around the world who do not have access to clean water and to minimize the cost of drilling a water well by cooperating with local partner organizations in the region where this aid will be realized with the contributions of donors who want to drill water wells.

To be the helping hand of those who want to drill water wells to various parts of the world, we strive to achieve the goal in our slogan "European Aid Foundation: Your Door Opening to Goodness" and to be the door that opens to goodness for you, our valued philanthropists. It is a source of pride for us, as the European Aid Foundation, to contribute to your goodness among the foundations that drill water wells.

Our Goals with the Water Well Drilling Project

We can list our goals within the scope of the water well drilling aid project as follows:

  • Ending the lack of access to clean water and the scarcity of water resources due to drought in oppressed geographies,
  • Preventing serious and fatal diseases caused by the consumption of polluted water, especially in countries on the African and Asian continents,
  • Preventing the reduction of agriculture and other production alternatives due to drought,
  • Ensuring the region has a sustainable economy, meeting its needs on its own, and ending conflicts caused by water,
  • Bringing together philanthropists and those in need to promote goodness and be an intermediary in the realization of goodness,
  • To be an intermediary in ensuring that the aid of those who want to drill water wells reaches the people in need and to bring a smile to their faces.

Cost of Drilling a Water Well

One of the most important factors in the realization of aid projects is undoubtedly the prices offered to donors for these projects. At the point of the water well drilling aid project, which corresponds to a very essential area due to its nature among the aid projects, the issue that philanthropists who want to donate a water well carefully follow is the cost of drilling a water well and the budget required to complete the project.

Our foundation, which is among the foundations drilling water wells, strives to reach the most optimal value for the cost of drilling a water well and cooperates with partner organizations in the regions where water wells will be drilled. Thus, the processes of drilling water wells are progressing on the occasion of people who can understand the language of the people of the region, approach them in the sincerest way, and understand their problems by being in that society, and the material supply and workforce needs are met from more affordable sources.

One of the parameters that are effective in terms of water well prices is related to the dimensions of the water well. The constructed water wells are evaluated in three different categories: Large Well, Small Well, and Well, and the cost of drilling a water well varies according to the category in which the project is implemented within the scope of the water well drilling project.

Participation in the Water Well Drilling Project and Duration of Drilling a Water Well

When laying the foundations of water well donation projects, we first go to the regions where there is a need for clean water and prepare detailed infrastructure reports. The European Aid Foundation teams meticulously follow up the inspection reports of the water wells built in the identified regions and, as the last step, make the water wells available to the public.

To participate in the water well drilling project and to drill a water well on the occasion of your participation in this project, you can contact us at [email protected] or you can reach us at +31 13 879 50 12 (Netherlands)/ +31 6 84 22 08 14 (Netherlands)/ +49 15221550927 (Germany) / +32 484683373 (Belgium) and apply with your request for a water well donation.

You can also donate water wells online through our website. After applying to drill a water well, you can determine the name of the water well you want to open and let us know. The water well will be opened with the name you specify and it will be a symbol of the clean hopes of the people.

The duration of drilling a water well is an average of 6 months. When the construction process is completed, we archive the videos and photos of all the construction stages of your water well, which is a breath of fresh air for the arid lands of that region and hope for thousands of people, and send it to you in a detailed report.

As the European Aid Foundation, we periodically provide the necessary inspections to ensure that your water well can serve for many years in a stable manner and prevent technical failures. Our biggest motivation underlying our systematic inspections and controls is to increase the number of people who benefit from this favor that you have entrusted to our foundation with the help of drilling a water well, with the highest efficiency.

Especially the cost of drilling a water well in Africa and the cost of drilling a water well in Asia are wondered by most philanthropists. As the European Aid Foundation, you can see our current figures for 2022 prices of drilling water wells in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Somalia, Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad, and Tanzania.

"European Aid Foundation: Your Gateway to Good Deeds"


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