We Delivered Your Cash Aid to Orphans in Somalia

We Delivered Your Cash Aid to Orphans in Somalia

We Delivered Your Donations in Cash to Orphans Living Under Difficult Conditions in Somalia

In Paradise, there is a place called 'Darul Ferah' which only those who bring joy to orphans can enter.” Hadith

We distributed financial aid to help orphans in Somalia sustain their lives.

Despite the harsh living conditions in Somalia, we continue to bring joy to the orphans in the region. With the financial aid we have distributed, thanks to your support, Somali orphans will be able to meet their needs much more easily.

Somalia, where hunger, thirst, drought, and internal conflicts make life much more challenging, is in the midst of material deprivation. While the population struggles to find food, they have to walk tens of kilometers each day to access clean water. For children without parents, life is even more difficult in many ways.

We continue to extend a helping hand to our Somali brothers and sisters from miles away. In addition to food distribution, water well construction, the brother family project, distributing holiday gifts to orphans, and cataract surgeries, we also contribute to the development and growth of the region through the financial aid we provide to orphans.

The financial aid we distributed with your support in this project has brought relief to the wounds of dozens of children. With this opportunity, we thank everyone who contributed to the project. May each orphan you have made smile be an atonement for your sins on the Day of Judgment.

We will continue to carry out various projects with your support. You can contact us to offer your support. May we continue to compete in doing good.

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