What Should We Do to Get Closer to Allah?

What Should We Do to Get Closer to Allah?

Many deeds are performed to get closer to Allah. Among these deeds, material donations are very important in terms of both getting closer to Allah and contributing to social unity

Getting closer to Allah is achieved through striving to earn His pleasure. As we strive to get closer to our Lord, we also gain His approval.

One of the deepest and most meaningful questions in one's life journey is "How do we get closer to Allah?" This question holds a significant place in our minds. Getting closer to Allah is not just a matter of faith, but also a process of spiritual and moral purification.

This journey not only brings a person to spiritual peace but also makes them a more conscious, compassionate, and sensitive individual in their daily life. Being close to Allah is possible by gaining His pleasure and fulfilling our responsibilities towards Him.

At this point, we need to perform both obligatory and voluntary acts of worship with great care in order to earn His pleasure. You can take important steps to get closer to Allah by helping our brothers and sisters in need.

As the European Aid Foundation, we serve as a bridge for you in earning the pleasure of our Lord. Through our humanitarian aid projects, we aim to ease the lives of our brothers and sisters and offer them a much better life.

If you want to help our brothers and sisters and get closer to Allah, you can support our projects.

What are the Deeds that Bring Us Closer to Allah?

The deeds that bring us closer to Allah are those that help us gain the pleasure of our Lord. These deeds are of great importance to us both in this world and in the hereafter. These deeds vary from acts of remembrance to sacrificing animals.

Among the deeds that bring us closer to Allah, the first is, of course, to give importance to obligatory acts of worship. The more we care about the obligatory acts of worship prescribed by our Lord, the closer we get to Him.

In this context, we also want to talk about voluntary acts of worship.

Voluntary acts of worship are not obligatory like the obligatory ones, but they are acts of worship that bring us closer to our Lord.

The importance of voluntary worship comes from this. Although we are not obliged to perform them, helping other Muslims, alleviating their problems, and making their lives easier will elevate us to higher ranks in the sight of our Lord.

At this point, we need to make it our concern to help our brothers and sisters who are in need and oppressed. As the saying goes, 'One who sleeps with a full stomach while their neighbor is hungry is not one of us.' We have learned to be responsible for all our brothers and sisters.

Therefore, we must help our brothers and sisters as much as we can and try to rescue them from the difficult living conditions they are in.

This effort and endeavor sometimes manifest as a smile and sometimes as financial support and donations.

At the European Aid Foundation, we deliver your financial aid to those in need.

Since our establishment, we have been delivering your aid to our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering due to disasters, wars, and poverty, and we continue to do so.

With these projects, made possible by your support, we have tried to make the lives of thousands of our brothers and sisters more livable.

If you want to help our brothers and sisters and perform a good deed to get closer to Allah through us, contact us.

What Should We Do to Get Closer to Allah?

Our Lord advises us to "seek means of nearness to Allah." At this point, there are many ways to get closer to Allah. Through these means, we make significant progress in our journey towards our Lord.

While seeking ways to get closer to our Lord, the main point to consider is intention and sincerity. Whatever act we perform to get closer to our Lord, as long as our intention is pure, these deeds will be accepted in the sight of our Lord.

While we can perform many acts of worship to get closer to Allah, material acts of worship are also of great importance at this point.

These deeds, where we meet the needs of our brothers and sisters and touch their lives, will provide us with prosperity both in this world and the hereafter.

At the European Aid Foundation, we assist you on your journey to earn the pleasure of our Lord.

Through our foundation, which acts as a bridge between those in need and donors, you can help our brothers and sisters.

So, what can you do through our foundation to get closer to Allah?

-Water Well Donations: In many regions, especially in Africa and Asia, the clean water crisis is worsening every day. At this point, our responsibility is to make donations to meet the needs of our brothers and sisters living in these regions.

-Qurban Donations: Qurban donations are very important to meet the needs of our brothers and sisters, contribute to their tables, and provide them with necessary vitamins and minerals. With both obligatory and voluntary Qurban donations, you can help our brothers and sisters. These donations also play a significant role in bringing us closer to Allah.

-Orphan Sponsorship: Orphans are entrusted to us by our Lord and our Prophet. At this point, with the donations we make to our orphaned children, their lives can be made more beautiful.

-Support to Brother Family Projects: In our brother family project, while we meet the financial needs of our brothers and sisters in need, we also provide job opportunities if there is someone in the family who can work.

-Charity Meals: At this point, you can make charity meal donations, especially in memory of your deceased loved ones, to earn the pleasure of our Lord and to write rewards in their book of deeds.

-Cataract Donations: Normally, cataract treatment is done through relatively easy operations. However, our brothers and sisters living in Africa do not have access to these opportunities. At this point, our valued donors can get closer to our Lord by donating for cataract surgery, helping a brother or sister open their eyes to the world.

-Sapling Donations: Making sapling donations is one of the most important building blocks on the path to getting closer to Allah. Through sapling donations, it is possible to take firm steps toward the future.

-Zimem Notebook Donations: Zimem notebook donations are the payment of debts owed to grocery stores and markets in need. At this point, it is very important to touch the lives of our brothers and sisters.

To make a donation and relieve the hardships of our brothers and sisters in accordance with the verse "seek means of nearness to Allah," click here now.

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